Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Ellie with the 'tude

Ellie is very three and very full of attitude. It can be really cute and fun or really cute and frustrating. Either way, it is great to see her personality develop.

Ellie's school is right by my office so I take her and pick her up from school. Sometimes on the way home from work I need a little decompression time but it was kind of hard to decompress with Ellie talking non-stop (and, I mean non-stop) all the way home. Chris, being the genius he is, put a bunch of movies on her iPod so while she watches the movies she listens with headphones. It is wonderful, one of the many reasons I love him....such great problem solving!


Here is Ellie with her headphones, all ready for the ride home.


And, showing me a little of that attitude!


Ellie's cute little pony tail! We need to get her hair cut, it is getting super long!


And, stealing a drink of my soda. She seems to love soda, just like her parents!


Maura said...

Ellie has an iPod?! shut up!

Marti said...

Ok, I should qualify the iPod. It was my iPod video that I lost for about five months. I replaced it with another iPod before we found it, so it is not the dedicated movie iPod. Does that make any sense?